Author Spotlight: Karien Bredenkamp

July 22, 2024 (Last Updated October 18, 2024)

48 Hour Books

About the Author

Karien Bredenkamp has always been drawn to poetry as a form of self-expression and reflection. After many years of writing it, she decided to self-publish her poetry for the first time, accompanied by her own illustrations.


Author Karien Bredenkamp


Enigma: A Debut Collection

Enigma is a debut collection of 56 poems and surrealist illustrations that delve into themes of intimate love, identity, integrity and the longings of authentic life. More than poetry and art, this book is an invitation for readers to join Bredenkamp on a journey of the mind and soul through the deepest parts of the human experience.

The book will challenge readers to embrace their own personal truth. Bredenkamp captures this never-ending personal discovery process in Enigma, where she invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, mystery, beauty, and unique insights waiting to be uncovered within.


"Enigma" book cover by Karien Bredenkamp         "Enigma" by Karien Bredenkamp


Q&A with Karien Bredenkamp

Follow along as we ask Karien Bredenkamp more detailed questions about her writing journey and how she decided to self-publish and partner with 48 Hour Books as a book printing partner.

Bredenkamp’s Writing Process

What is one piece of writing advice you would give to other authors?

Writing a book isn't just available to a select few people. You have what it takes to write a book. We all have a unique voice, and someone out there needs to hear your story.

What inspires you to write?

The emotions evoked when I engage with my art inspire me to write. I feel everything deeply, and sometimes I can only express the intensity of these feelings through poetry.

Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

I usually write at night, just before falling asleep. I like to access parts of my subconscious that are more difficult to reach when I'm in a very rational mindset. I have found the moments before falling asleep are when my writing is most creative. I cover my eyes, block all sounds, and just type on my iPad in bed until I fall asleep. Sometimes the things I have written surprise me! When I'm ready to write the actual poem, I will refine and polish the rough drafts that I wrote during the night.

What do you view as the hardest thing about writing a book?

The internal journey was harder than the physical process of self-publishing. This includes overcoming imposter syndrome, permitting myself to identify as an author and a poet, etc.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how long does it usually last? How do you overcome writer’s block?

I'm usually less creative when I feel stressed about writing something good...if I focus on the outcome instead of the process. It usually doesn't last long, as long as I can follow the tips shared below. To overcome it, I decided to move away from self-criticism and pressure to write something great. I tell myself to have fun, be playful, and enjoy the process. This is usually when I do my best work.


The Self-Publishing and Book Printing Process

Why did you choose to self-publish your book?

I like to make things happen, and didn't want to wait through the process of finding an agent, finding a publisher, submitting a manuscript etc.

As a self-published author, what was the most difficult part of the process?

I think what comes after self-publishing is the hard part, getting the book to the right audience, focusing on marketing, etc.

How did you conceptualize the look of your book? What kind of binding or cover design did you use and why?

I wanted it to feel good in my hands, so I opted for a soft cover. I designed the cover myself. It was important for me that the clarity of the printing was really good, that the blacks were really deep, and the contrast was strong.

How did 48 Hour Books support you in the self-publishing process?

48 Hour Books made recommendations to get the black as dark and strong as I needed. They helped notice errors, like a missing poem in the table of contents, which I really appreciated!

Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish?

Believe in yourself! Be bold and just do it.

What is the most rewarding part of releasing a book?

The most rewarding part is holding the book in my hands as a finished product. I liked paging through it and seeing my words and illustrations. I also loved seeing people purchase it and enjoy reading it.

Where can people find your books and follow you?

You can purchase Enigma on my website, and follow me on social media:


Print with 48 Hour Books

When you’re looking for a high-quality, self-publishing and book printing partner, choose 48 Hour Books. We know the self-publishing process inside and out, and are here for you, with real people, giving real support.

If you’re ready to take the next step in the self-publishing and book printing process, learn more, in our beginner’s guide to printing your book, where you can learn all about formatting, book templates, and even a price calculator.

Ready to print your book? Contact 48 Hour Books today!

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