Self-Published Author Spotlight: Darlene Edwards

October 21, 2020 (Last Updated February 17, 2021)

48 Hour Books

Get to know self-published author, Darlene Edwards!


What is the title of your book? 

T.U.S.S. Things United Sisters Share


Quick Summary:

A collection of memoirs from sisters related and non-related. It compares the phenomenon and realization of connections women share.


About the Author: 

I have been writing as a hobby, off and on for twenty years. My first publication was for my college newspaper and from there I started to write more seriously, but only for myself. I used writing as a therapeutic tool to say things I didn’t want to say out loud. The more I wrote, the more I fell in love with it. Now that I am empty nested, I find myself having more time to collect my thoughts in written form and I love it. I am a new author but my passion and dedication to my writing is not new. Outside of my love for writing, I enjoy nature, horseback riding and reading.


What inspires you to write?

Almost anything can inspire me to write, but mostly things that I enjoy or capture my attention in the moment.


How often do you write?

At least once a week, or daily if you count posts in my blog or on Facebook and Twitter.


What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing?

Time and peace and quiet. It’s harder for me to block out family when they are around while I’m writing; It can be distracting.


Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how long does it usually last?

Yes, and it depends on what I’m working on. Usually, I just need to get in a quiet place.


Any writing tips you would like to share to overcome it?

I try not to think about all the logistics of writing and let my thoughts flow. Let out all the fog writing, which is usually just random thoughts about your topic or sometimes it will be stuff that doesn’t even have to do with your topic. The point is to just write something, anything. The words you need will show up. Once all of your thoughts are out and on paper, you can go back and focus on the piece.


Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

Sometimes I journal to clear my mind before writing about a specific title.  When I have an idea, I’ll write it down so I can write about it later, but mostly, I get to a quiet place in my environment and in my mind, and I just type.


Do you read much, and if so, who are your favorite authors?

I do. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite author. I am very fond of Maya Angelou, but I like her for the wisdom and depth of her work. Eric Jerome Dickey got me interested in writing fictional stories. His characters and settings are always very descriptive.


Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish?

I wish I could give some inspirational wisdom on these subjects, but I don’t know that I am qualified. My journey may not be the path for you, but what I will say; if writing is your passion, you should write. Don’t aspire to be a writer - be a writer. Make your vision concrete.


What is the most rewarding thing about printing your book?

The finished product. Holding my thoughts in my hand and realizing I could share my thoughts around the world if I wanted to.


You can purchase, T.U.S.S. Things United Sisters Share at her website!



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Rosa November 27, 2020

Beautiful interview and her story of writing sounds a lot like me. It's therapeutic for me to and I love the finished product. So thankful for 48 hrs affording me the opportunity to tell my story in paperback!

48 Hr Books November 30, 2020

Thanks for choosing 48 Hour Books, Rosa!

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